Dental Web Site Registers 10,000th Member; Launches New e-Newsletters

TUCSON, AZ--(Business Wire), a Web site that provides daily news and information to busy dental professionals, is 10,000 members strong and growing. The popular online community, launched in September 2007, announced the registration of its 10,000th member today and is celebrating with the launch of two new e-newsletters. ( delivers timely clinical and practice management news and features, reader forums, Case of the Week, a product Buyers Guide, and other information resources to readers around the world. also provides insight and analysis of clinical breakthroughs, procedure advances, practice management, regulatory issues, new technologies, and product comparisons. is backed by, the leading Web portal for medical imaging professionals. Membership is free, and dental professionals can sign up at

" fills a huge gap in the market," said Ashok Shah, general manager of "Dental magazines have been around for years, but few have ventured online and truly taken advantage of the Web. The fact that we have been able to attract 10,000 members in just 10 months is a testament to the need for a Web site like this and to the quality of the news and information we are providing." has also launched two new e-newsletters: PopQuiz, which delivers challenging educational content from the site's Case of Week feature directly to members, and Buyer's Guide Update, which provides comprehensive listings from the site's Buyer's Guide directory of dental vendors and products. Both newsletters are free; to sign up, go to and

" is dedicated to providing the most up-to-date news and information available online for dental professionals," said Kathy Kincade, editor in chief. "These newsletters are a valuable addition to our product portfolio, delivering interactive Case of the Week educational content and focused Buyer's Guide product information directly to members’ desktops."

About IMV Publishing

A division of IMV, Ltd., IMV Publishing operates Web sites targeted at vertical markets within the healthcare industry. The company's site provides news, information, and education for the medical imaging community, while its portal offers original feature articles, daily dental news, and educational information designed for today's dental professional.

Contact information:

Kathy Kincade
Editor in Chief
[email protected]

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