Good photos = big $$$; Dangerous mouthguards

Dear member:

Like most dentists, you probably love gadgets--or at least are on familiar terms with them. But whether glamorous or mundane, that gadget has to earn its keep. One gadget that can pay back your investment in spades is a digital camera. A telling photo or two (or ten) can convince that stubborn insurance company to pay for a procedure or persuade that skeptical patient that they really do need cosmetic work.

But where do you start? What equipment do you need? And what kinds of pictures should you take? Ask no more. Dr. Richard Young, D.D.S., long-time dental photographer and popular lecturer, has the scoop. His common-sense premise: "You're a dentist; you're not going to the Brooks Institute. You need to learn how to take effective dental photos, then get back to work."

And that you will, as Dr. Young talks about why you should take dental shots, where to start, what tools you need (and which ones you don't), and more. Dr. Young's simple but effective tips alone are worth a stop. Click here to see what's what.

Mouthguards: Germ condos?

No, we're not talking about the mouthguards your patients wear at night to prevent bruxism. Rather, we point to a rather alarming study about sports mouthguards that kids wear when playing football and other sports. A recent case report tells of two football players who apparently suffered serious infections from contaminated mouthguards. The researchers' recommendation? Use disposable mouthguards. But hold on, says a noted sports dentist -- over the counter mouthguards don’t offer sufficient protection. What's a dentist to do? Read Senior Editor Laird Harrison's report on the problem.

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