BackOffice - Help with Article Search

  • Search by Article ID - If you search by Article Id, all other parameters are ignored.
  • Search by Article Headline - This uses a wildcard search on all words entered.
  • Text Search - This uses a Full Text Search on the headline, brief and body of articles, which is faster but less accurate. If you are not getting the results you expect enclose your phrase/word with a single quote and percent sign. Example: To search for the word "helptag" then enter it as
    '%helptag%' in the search parameter textbox. Since this is a full-text search is important to note that the full-text search catalog is updated only once a day, so any article entered today will not be returned as a result until the next day.
  • find as HelpTag - This checkbox is to further aid in finding "HelpTag" articles. When checked, the Text Search entered is processed, it is prefixed with the "HelpTag:" string to filter to only HelpTag articles. If there is no Text Search entry then all HelpTag articles that fall within the other search filter (typically date) will be displayed.
  • Date and Date Range - If you are not getting the results you expect look at what you set in the date/date range parameter.
  • If you know the News Section, News Category, Modality or Subspecialty of the article(s) select these from their respective dropdown menus.

What are HelpTag articles? These are articles used throughout the site to display messages in select locations. Many error messages have been moved to HelpTag articles. The empty shopping cart text that's displayed is a HelpTag article.

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