DrBicuspid Meida Kit and Product Listings

This is the brief

Audience Demographics for DrBicuspid.com
Get the latest DrBicuspid demographic data in this one-page .pdf file and find out why DrBicuspid.com is the best way to reach the dental community.
[download .pdf]

Advertising Rate Card for DrBicuspid:
Click here to download a .pdf file with all of the current DrBicuspid.com ad prices and rates. Contact your sales person for more details about sponsorships available.
[download .pdf]

DrBicuspid Digital Communities:
Sponsor an DrBicuspid Digital Community and get exclusive ad placement, e-mail broadcasts to highly specific opt-in lists, increased brand awareness.

To learn more about a Digital Community sponsorship click here.

To see the complete list of Digital Communities, click here.

E-mail our sales team and learn about how to make this valuable sponsorship work for your company.

DrBicuspid.com Market Research
Find out how DrBicuspid's Market Research team can help you find out what your customers are thinking using our online tools and our global dentistry panel.
[download .pdf]

Marketing Support Services:
Learn how DrBicuspid.com can help support your online marketing efforts. Whether it's ad creation, lead collection or online research, we can help you reach your marketing goals.
[download .pdf]

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