Overjet’s PARL Assist gets FDA nod

X Ray Dentist Woman

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given 510(k) clearance to the Periapical Radiolucency (PARL) Assist device from dental artificial intelligence (AI) software provider Overjet.

It is AI-based and aims to help dentists detect and segment instances of PARL on radiographs of patients age 12 and older. PARL Assist aims to identify and alert dentists to clinical scenarios in conjunction with preexisting clearances, including teeth that have carious lesions that extend into the pulp in conjunction with a PARL lesion and teeth with preexisting root canal therapy that have a potentially unresolved periapical radiolucency.

Several dental service organizations and dental practices are using PARL Assist. In the coming weeks, Overjet plans to release it to all customers as a standard component of its clinical intelligence platform.

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