Week in Review: AI in dentistry | Antioxidants | Anesthesia and patient safety

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Artificial intelligence (AI) conjures up all kinds of science-fiction scenarios, but in practice you're probably already using AI to schedule patient emails or filter out unhelpful images from an intraoral scan, according to dental technology expert Dr. Martin Jablow. He spoke about AI's past, present, and future at the recent 2019 ADA FDI World Congress in San Francisco.

In other news from last week's meeting, did you know that antioxidants can boost oral health? Pass the dark chocolate and berries. Karen Davis, RDH, spoke at the conference about how antioxidants found in common foods and spices can help improve oral health by battling oxidative stress.

Oral surgeon Dr. Colin Bell is often asked by dentists how they can deliver anesthesia more safely. He offers a practical blueprint of essential considerations to enhance patient safety, including a well-trained team, a thoroughly vetted patient, and the necessary equipment being in good working order.

You've likely heard about taxes on soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages, but what about one on sugary snacks? A new study from BMJ found that raising the price of cookies, cakes, and other sweets could benefit public health.

Finally, I want to remind you about our Dental Exam feature, a free online, interactive study tool that features diagnostic images and sample questions specifically formatted for the upcoming Integrated National Board Dental Exam. Dental Exam is another benefit of your membership with DrBicuspid.com and is a feature you won't find anywhere else. Get started at dentalexam.drbicuspid.com.

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