Blood-platelet fibrin enhances healing after implants

Blood platelet concentrates can improve the outcomes of dental implants, according to a case study in the Journal of Oral Implantology.

The study authors describe the experience of a patient who had fractured an incisor during a sports-related injury and underwent an all-inclusive procedure where the tooth was extracted and an implant inserted (Journal of Oral Implantology, April 2012, Vol. 38:2, pp. 181-187).

By using a biomaterial of leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin, no incisions or sutures were needed, which allowed optimal healing conditions, according to the study authors.

They reported positive healing characteristics two days after the surgery, and at seven days the gingival aesthetic profile was well defined. At six months, a satisfactory final result of the surgery was evident. Two years later, the restoration was still stable and aesthetic, according to the researchers.

Leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin stimulates the healing process, they noted. Strong fibrin membranes enriched with cells and platelet growth factors make a biomaterial that is simple and inexpensive to use and takes only 15 minutes to prepare, they added.

The biomaterial is a practical and effective application to use in implant dentistry and its antihemorrhage properties are well-suited for this surgery, the researchers concluded.

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