Komet introduces bone-spreading system

2009 08 28 10 24 56 891 Komet Maxillo Prep Spread Condense System Bone Spreader

Komet USA has introduced a new system for bone spreading and condensing. Developed in conjunction with Stefan Neumeyer, D.M.D., of Eschlkam, Germany, the MaxilloPrep Spread-Condense system was designed for bone spreading and condensation by means of titanium Spread-Condense screws, the company said.

2009 08 28 10 24 56 891 Komet Maxillo Prep Spread Condense System Bone Spreader
The MaxilloPrep Spread-Condense system. Image courtesy of Komet USA.

Bone-spreading treatments are used because of a narrow bone structure and insufficient space to place an implant. The screw's shape is initially cylindrical, turning after 5 mm into a tapered shape with threaded flanks (up to a total length of 15 mm) that exert spreading and condensing pressure on the bone.

Thanks to the depth marks placed in 2-mm intervals, penetration depths can be visually controlled at all times starting at 8 mm from the screw tip, Komet said. Depth marks are recognizable because of the surface's color, which alternates between light and dark every 2 mm. The screws' rounded ends are intended to protect from inadvertent perforations.

Using a hand wrench, Spread-Condense screws are inserted into a small pilot hole, prepared by a stainless steel drill (210L16). The screws are then screwed in and out in ascending order until the required target size is reached, ensuring optimum primary stability of the subsequently inserted implant. The MaxilloPrep Spread-Condense screws can also be used for bone-condensing treatments of a spongy bone structure.

The screws are available in five sizes; sizes 4 and 5 also come with a triangular cross-section for condensation and expansion of extremely hard bones. Because all the screws are made of pure titanium, they are designed for multiple uses, according to Komet.

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