CAD/CAM Insider: Milling vs 3D printing: Which one is best for dentures?

Dear CAD/CAM Insider,

When it comes to creating dentures, artificial teeth can be milled or 3D printed, but which method is more accurate? Both processes were deemed clinically acceptable. Read more about the head-to-head comparison in this edition's Insider Exclusive.

Also new in the CAD/CAM Community, a dentist in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, provided a Moroccan football fan with a new smile after he was bullied about his teeth at the Qatar World Cup. The dentist crafted the fan a set of full dentures, the first step in a process to correct bone resorption in the man's upper jaw.

When a young woman was diagnosed with cancer in her maxilla in her late 20s, she started a blog and Instagram page to document her life. Her insights into reconstruction, dentures, and implants are a must-read for professionals working to recreate patients' unique smiles rather than perfect ones.

A second study published this year has tied clear aligner therapy to bone defects. In a study with 29 adults and nearly 2,000 root surfaces, imaging revealed an increase in alveolar bone defects in adults with mild to moderate crowding who underwent clear aligner therapy without tooth extractions.

Finally, the creation and use of intraoral appliances have become a routine part of dental practices, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association. Not only are intraoral appliances now commonly used in dental practice, but multiple team members are engaged in the fabrication process, the study found.

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