Week in Review: 2020's best articles in imaging, endo, CAD/CAM | Case study of unhappy patient

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

It's the next-to-last Saturday newsletter of 2020 -- a year that has flown by and yet, at the same time, seems like it has lasted for 100 years. I hope this newsletter finds you and your family safe and enjoying some downtime this weekend.

Of course, with the end of the year comes a look back at some of the most-read articles we published in 2020. We started this countdown on Monday and will continue it until early in the new year, and we hope you're enjoying this review of some interesting articles as much as we are!

This week, we dove into our top five most-read articles of 2020 in imaging. The list included some simply amazing images that our audience seemingly couldn't get enough of this year, and we're glad these articles can be used as learning moments for so many in our industry.

We also showcased the top five articles of the year in endodontics and CAD/CAM. Both lists included some incredible advances and moments in those fields.

Of course, as much as we may enjoy the technology and advances we have in our practice, we still have to do everything we can to keep our patients happy and healthy. Earlier this week, Dr. David Rice, clinical editor for DrBicuspid.com, led readers through a case study in which an unhappy patient submitted an online complaint regarding treatment to the peer review committee of the local dental society. There are many lessons in this case study, and I highly recommend you take a few moments to read it as you plan for 2021.

Are you remembering to smile this holiday season? From science to just starting the day off right, there are plenty of reasons for all of us to smile, even during a pandemic, says Dr. Alvin Danenberg. Even those in the dental industry need a reminder of why smiles are so important every day, and Dr. Danenberg provided just that in his latest article.

Finally, I invite you to complete a quick survey on dental materials for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card (sponsored).

As always, thanks to each of you for being a DrBicuspid.com subscriber and reader.

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