CAD/CAM Insider: COVID-19, protests, holistic dentistry, and technology -- exploring the recent world of Dr. Nammy Patel

Dear CAD/CAM Insider,

In downtown San Francisco, Dr. Nammy Patel has established a successful practice focused on holistic dentistry. Like many dentists, she has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic over the past three months, and she has also felt the impact of the protests grabbing headlines in recent days.

How has she dealt with these historic moments? That's one of the questions I wanted to ask her when we recently chatted. However, I also wanted to dive into the relationship she sees between holistic dentistry and today's dental technology.

For our latest Insider Exclusive, I spoke with Dr. Patel about many timely topics, as well as a timeless one: How technology (particularly CAD/CAM) is positively affecting her patients and making a difference in her business.

Also in the CAD/CAM Community, our clinical editor, Dr. David Rice, gave his opinion on why single-appointment crowns, digital scanners, and 3D printers may be more important than ever for dental practices in the wake of COVID-19.

Finally, speaking of 3D printing, that technology is becoming more and more of a mainstay in our society. It can also help in the battle against COVID-19.

Nasopharyngeal swabs produced by 3D printing can provide comparable results to traditional swabs for SARS-CoV-2 reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction testing, according to research from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center recently published online in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology.

Thank you for being a CAD/CAM Insider! We hope you and your family stay safe and healthy.

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