CAD/CAM Insider: Could COVID-19 be a tipping point for 3D technology in dentistry?

Dear CAD/CAM Insider,

It is truly amazing how much our industry has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, out of some truly horrific financial times for many dentists and dental team members, slivers of hope have emerged.

One of the potential "silver linings" from these dark moments for our industry has been the emergence of 3D technology and how so many dental practices are using their 3D printers to produce masks, face shields, and other devices to help healthcare workers on the front line against the COVID-19 outbreak.

For our Insider Exclusive article, I spoke with a pair of dentists who are using their 3D technology to make a difference for healthcare workers. But there's more to the story, as we take a look at how 3D printing is being introduced to many people within the industry because of its usage during the pandemic. Could that mean good things are ahead for 3D printing in dentistry? As Dr. Ullas Kapoor told me, "[3D technology] is just going to get faster and more streamlined. It's really an exciting time."

Also in the CAD/CAM Community, we have seen collaboration on the industry side to help battle the pandemic. We've also seen dental labs change the focus of their businesses as they try to make a difference for healthcare workers.

Thank you for being a CAD/CAM Insider! We hope you and your family stay safe and healthy.

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