Imaging Insider: How every picture tells a story inside the practice

Dear Imaging Insider,

There is no question that this is a challenging time to be in the dental workforce. Our industry has never experienced anything like these last few days and weeks as the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has gripped our society and our world.

However, dentistry will rebound from this crisis at some point. Rather than focus on what is happening in our industry now, I've asked some of our contributors to look at ways that dental practices can be better at what they do when our world returns to normal and your businesses are open for complete dental services once again.

With that future in mind, Lisa Wadsworth, RDH, put together a compelling article on how we should be using our imaging technology more efficiently to help our patients make better choices. "As clinical providers, we have been thrust into a time where our verbiage, clinical note scribing, and ever-telling intraoral photos and radiographs must promote and present the absolute medical necessity for every procedure," she writes in our Imaging Insider Exclusive.

Also in Imaging Community news, a giant calcified salivary stone, which was diagnosed initially as an impacted tooth, was recently found growing in the mandible of a 37-year-old man. A rare 2-cm-long sialolith was removed, according to a new case report.

Finally, check out this study review published in a recent issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association. Which intraoral scanner brand is the most accurate for single-tooth impressions? Most systems came up short in the study, which revealed some fascinating findings.

Thank you for being an Imaging Insider! We wish you nothing but health and safety in the coming days ahead.

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