Jensen Dental upgrades Preciso system

Jensen Dental has made enhancements to the Preciso Digital Dentistry Solution.

All Preciso configurations with Preciso computer-aided design (CAD) software now have the ability to export stereolithography (STL) files, and all Preciso M200 mills have the ability to mill 98-mm pucks as an available option, the company announced at the recent Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting.

The Preciso Digital Dentistry Solution is a validated, open system that can utilize a range of materials, including 3M ESPE Lava Materials, Jensen's XT and HT zirconia, Jensen wax, and Jensen PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate).

Users of the Preciso M200 mill now have the option to mill materials in 98-mm puck form, another common form factor in dental milling. Through the use of a patent-pending fixture, users of the mill can switch from milling frames in the traditional 3M ESPE Lava material form to milling 98-mm pucks. Customers who purchase an M200 Frame Mill will also have the option to upgrade to a puck fixture.

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