CAD/CAM prices improving; OCT images caries under sealants

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Sometimes the "wait and watch" approach truly pays off. Take digital impressioning systems, for example. While the general consensus is that the technology brings advantages to patients and practitioners in terms of improved accuracy of composite restorations and reduced chair times, the economic model has inhibited adoption of dental CAD/CAM on a broad scale.

But as is often the case with newer technologies, digital impressioning appears to be reaching a value proposition that could turn the tide. What does this mean for general dentistry? So far, lower prices and ongoing technical improvements. Click here to read more.

In a related development, three providers of digital impressioning products and services announced this week at the International Dental Show in Cologne, Germany, that they have joined forces to standardize dental CAD/CAM hardware and software. The end result, they say, should be more freedom of choice for dental practitioners -- and additional market growth. Read more.

Meanwhile, in other Imaging & CAD/CAM Community news, optical coherence tomography (OCT) has once again shown its ability to monitor early caries progression under sealants and restorations, according to a presentation last Friday at the International Association for Dental Research meeting.

And in the second part of her series on product highlights from the Chicago Midwinter Meeting, Dr. Sheri Doniger looks at three chairside restorative products that both patients and practitioners can appreciate.

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