3M adds Straumann to network of trusted connections

3M has created a Trusted Connection to dental labs with the Straumann Cares system for the 3M True Definition scanner.

From a single intraoral scan, dentists can now restore Straumann implants with original Cares prosthetic solutions using this new connection. A dentist with the 3M True Definition scanner first captures a digital impression with the Straumann Cares Mono Scanbody. Then, within the scanner's prescription screen, the dentist selects the Straumann implant platform and the desired tooth-borne restoration or abutment. Next, the digital impression and prescription are sent to a dental lab using the Straumann Cares system.

At that point, the dental lab can design and order original prosthetics for implant- or tooth-borne restorations. The dental lab then receives the restoration, abutment, and model for finishing, and the dentist receives the completed case in a single shipment.

The Trusted Connection is available to dentists who subscribe to the Advanced Data Plan offered with the 3M True Definition scanner in North America. This will be available in the U.S. and Canada this summer.

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