Ask Marty: I am looking for an affordable third-room intraoral camera. Suggestions?

2014 02 13 13 44 51 873 Ask Marty200x200

Q: I am looking for a good third-room intraoral camera. I would like to purchase a plug-and-play unit in the price range of $400 to $800. I already have a $3,000 camera, just need something in my hygiene room. Suggestions?

A: Having an intraoral camera at the ready is always a good idea. It makes capturing images and documenting the patients' condition simple.

Since you already have a good intraoral camera and need another camera, here are some options. Look for a used intraoral camera on dental websites, or ask some friends if they have one they are not using and would like to get rid of it. You would probably make out well in the deal. Another idea is to find an old cart-based camera (many have great optics) and add a USB or internal video capture card.

If you are looking for a USB intraoral camera, you can find various models from China on eBay that run from less than $100 to much more. The problem is that they may not easily integrate with your existing imaging software. So be careful when selecting. I tried some of these solutions and have had varying results, but for a third room it may not matter as much to you.

Beyond that you might try Video Dental Concepts. They sell a variety of intraoral cameras in the price range you are looking for that should give you an adequate image and integrate into your imaging software.

Marty Jablow, DMD, lectures and consults extensively about integrating technologies into the modern dental practice ( If you have a technology question for Dr. Jablow, send it to [email protected].

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