Chairside CR reader utilizes tablet computer

3DISC Imaging, a manufacturer of digital imaging products, has developed the FireCR Dental Reader, a compact imaging system for reading computed radiography (CR) images chairside.

The FireCR Dental Reader is smaller than a shoe box and simple to operate, according to 3Disc. It features the QuantorTab, a 10.1-inch tablet computer that can be added to the PC, and it is DICOM 3.0-compatible with existing systems. It uses low-cost reusable plates in various sizes, including bitewing and intraoral, and features integrated ultraviolet sterilization and erase functions that enable the system to sterilize, scan, and clear the imaging plates so they are immediately ready to use again, the company noted.

"This contrasts with other dental CR readers that are large and expensive central units, and which require practices to purchase an additional device to erase plates prior to reuse," said Thomas Weldingh, CEO of 3DISC Europe.

The Fire CR Dental Reader will be unveiled at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) meeting in Chicago, November 27 through December 2, and will be available worldwide in the second quarter of 2012, according to the company.

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