3Shape, Astra Tech form lab-based scanning alliance

CAD/CAM equipment and software provider 3Shape and Astra Tech, which develops CAD/CAM abutments, have formed a new alliance.

Initially they will develop a software interface enabling the 3Shape dental scanners to communicate with the Atlantis VAD (Virtual Abutment Design) software used for the design and production of patient-specific implant abutments. The interface will make it possible for 3Shape scanner users to quickly and easily transfer digital scan information of patient oral geometry to the Astra Tech Atlantis design and manufacturing facilities worldwide, the companies said.

"The partnership with 3Shape is a strategic business opportunity, which will further strengthen Astra Tech's position within the area of digital implant dentistry, contribute to a faster market penetration for Atlantis, and create added value for our customers and their patients," said Peter Selley, CEO of Astra Tech, in a press release.

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