Buyer's Guide Update: Intraoral and extraoral cameras

Dear Buyer's Guide Update Member,

Digital cameras have taken the dental operatory by storm. Digital images allow for better education of your patients and understanding of the treatment needed. They are also a great way to document pathology and treatment for your records and for insurance claims.

Two main types of cameras are used in dentistry: the intraoral video camera and digital still cameras. The digital cameras are divided into digital point-and-shoot and digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) cameras. Point-and-shoot cameras produce good images, but DSLR cameras produce the highest-quality images. Good point-and-shoot cameras can be purchased for around $300, while DSLR kits can be purchased in the $1,800 to $2,500 range.

Unlike a DSLR or extraoral digital camera, a handheld intraoral video camera does not require you to remove your gloves to take photographs during the procedure. A barrier covers the handheld units, and many can be mounted on the bracket table. Most intraoral cameras can be purchased from $150 to $5,000, and it is definitely a "get what you pay for" situation. The high-end devices feature sleek, lightweight handpieces with high-power LED lighting and USB connection to operatory computers for image viewing.

To see all the intraoral cameras listed in the Buyer's Guide, click here.

To see all the extraoral cameras listed in the Buyer's Guide, click here.

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