DrBicuspid.com Cosmetic Dentistry Insider

Dear Cosmetic Dentistry Insider,

How can a private practice survive? DrBicuspid.com Advisory Board member Dr. David A. Landau looks at the changes in dentistry as a practice, and explains why a strong understanding of cosmetic restorative dentistry will continue to be an essential part of the evolving private practice. He also issues a rallying cry to deliver exceptional patient care as a blueprint for a practice to thrive. Click here to read more.

In other Cosmetics Community news, a new study examines the best way to treat mild to moderate fluorosis. Brazilian researchers compared the results of two conservative treatments: microabrasion and microabrasion paired with at-home bleaching. Patients in the latter group were significantly happier with the results.

Also, immediate implant placement and provisionalization in the aesthetic zone results in excellent short-term treatment outcomes for survival and also minimal change of peri-implant tissue dimensions, according to a new study in the Journal of Periodontology.

In more clinical news, cone-beam CT changed the diagnosis and management for more than half of patients with temporomandibular joint disorders in a new study, which had a design closely related to daily practice.

Meanwhile, the American Academy of Implant Dentistry has filed a federal lawsuit against the Texas dental board over a rule that limits dentists from advertising themselves as "specialists." The group, which has won similar suits against other states, says the rule violates free speech rights. Read more.

And the U.S. Supreme Court will examine the North Carolina dental board's claim that teeth whitening should only be done by dentists. The justices agreed to hear the board's challenge to a lower court ruling and an order by the Federal Trade Commission.

Finally, a federal judge allowed LED lights for teeth-whitening businesses in Connecticut, and researchers developed a new antibacterial ortho bracket cement.

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