Nat'l CASA Assoc. will find applicants for S4L

The Smile for a Lifetime Foundation (S4L), an international nonprofit organization that provides orthodontic care and free braces to underserved children with financial challenges and special orthodontic needs, has partnered with the National Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Association to help S4L chapters throughout North America find qualified applicants for their local orthodontic scholarship programs.

Through S4L's partnership with National CASA, young people who are served by the 946 CASA programs in U.S. will have the opportunity to learn about the foundation and apply for its orthodontic treatment scholarships.

The scholarships are funded through local orthodontists and primary sponsor Ormco. The company provides the orthodontist with the braces used for treating each S4L scholarship recipient.

Since its inception in 2008, the foundation has treated more than 1000 children who could not afford braces and has grown to an international nonprofit organization that currently serves more than 137 chapters in 42 states and Canada.

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