Fla. woman wins Damon system orthodontic makeover

Darlene Diaz, a 23-year-old resident of Homestead, FL, is the grand prize winner of Ormco's smile makeover contest, featuring the Damon system.

The contest was judged by professional surfer Bethany Hamilton, the Damon system's celebrity endorser. Hamilton selected Diaz for her moving entry, which explained how Diaz overcame extreme adversities after a devastating car crash that left her paralyzed at age 15.

After the accident, Diaz gained independence through the use of a mouth stick, which enables her to perform simple tasks such as dialing a cellphone and using a computer. However, the mouth stick has caused shifts in Diaz's teeth, and the Damon system will be used to improve and straighten her smile.

Richard Mariani, DDS, of Mariani Orthodontics in South Miami, FL, will treat Diaz. Using the Damon system, Dr. Mariani, who has been in practice for nearly 30 years, will address Diaz's crowding, spacing, and crossbite issues.

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