Beaming White changes teeth-whitening formula

Beaming White has changed the formula of the teeth-whitening gel in its Advanced Whitening Kit from a water- to an alcohol-based gel.

The change will enhance the gel's whitening power while increasing its shelf life, according to the company.

The whitening kit is typically sold to teeth-whitening service providers and consists of an applicator pen with 16% hydrogen peroxide gel, a cheek retractor, a bib, a finger wipe, and a vitamin E swab. The pen is used to paint the gel onto teeth without the need of a mouth tray.

For dentists, the kit comes with a syringe and a brush tip to apply the gel instead of a pen, and this version is also being made with the new gel formulation. The company also makes a 20%, 25%, and 36% hydrogen peroxide version of the formulation.

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