Merck wins 5th Fosamax/ONJ trial

A federal court in New York has found in favor of Merck in the Secrest v. Merck case, rejecting the claims of a Florida woman who said she developed osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) and related dental problems after using Fosamax, a bisphosphonate commonly used to treat osteoporosis.

The October 3 verdict marks the fourth time a jury has found in Merck's favor on a plaintiff's product liability claim involving Fosamax. The plaintiff in this case alleged she used Fosamax and suffered ONJ and complications following multiple tooth extractions and failed dental implants.

At trial, Merck presented evidence that it acted responsibly in researching and developing the drug and in monitoring it since it has been on the market. The company's clinical trials, conducted both before and following U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval, have involved more than 28,000 patients, including more than 17,000 treated with Fosamax.

U.S. District Judge John Keenan presided over the trial. It was the fifth case regarding Fosamax to go to trial. Merck won three of the first four.

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