Sleep apnea brochure tailored to dental offices

Myotronics has released a new sleep apnea brochure for the dental office to educate patients on the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea, as well as the dangers of not treating this condition.

Patients often aren't aware that their dental professional may be able to provide treatment for sleep apnea through new oral appliances. This brochure aims to educate the patient on this topic and provide insight on various treatment options provided by the medical and dental community.

While just about everyone knows someone who snores, snoring can also be a common symptom of sleep apnea. Every apnea, or event of decreased oxygen intake, causes the brain to send a signal to rouse the body in an effort to resume breathing. This results in a low quality of sleep, producing daytime fatigue, irritability, and a whole host of other maladies. Gone untreated, sleep apnea may contribute to high blood pressure, obesity, and cardiovascular disease, Myotronics noted.

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