Venus White Pro available in 35% carbamide peroxide

Venus White Pro, the mint-flavored tooth-whitening gel from Heraeus Kulzer, is now available in 35% carbamide peroxide strength, the company announced.

The gel can be worn in custom trays for up to 30 minutes a day. Venus White Pro's carbamide peroxide plus potassium nitrate formula helps decrease sensitivity sometimes associated with bleaching, the company said.

A recent clinical study by the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston reported that patients who were treated with Venus White Pro reported virtually no sensitivity after two weeks of nightly treatment, the company said.

To help practices promote Venus White Pro, Heraeus is offering a collection of marketing materials including postcards, patient letters, and ad designs, all of which can be customized online through print-on-demand.

In addition, Heraeus donates a percentage of revenue from the sale of all Venus White products to help fund breast cancer research In the U.S. The company said it donated more than $40,000 to this research in 2010.

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