Zimmer offers minimally invasive sinus lift kits

Zimmer Dental has released the Sinus Crestal Approach Kit and Sinus Lateral Approach Kit for minimally invasive and streamlined sinus lift procedures, the company announced.

The Sinus Lateral Approach Kit enables access to the sinus via opening the lateral wall. The result is minimal flap size and a smaller window than conventional techniques, the company noted. The kit's reamers can be used with a standard surgical motor handpiece (2,000 rpm) for an expedient osteotomy. The tapered trunk on the kit's LS-reamer is designed to control drilling depth up to 3.5 mm without the use of drill stops, and the special blade design creates a thin bone disk that protects the Schneiderian membrane.

In addition, the C-reamer can be used to cut through the lateral wall and save a piece of circular bone that can be used to close the opening after the procedure, the company said.

The Sinus Crestal Approach Kit offers a minimally invasive option for sinus lift procedures. The drill design of the kit's S-reamer head (800-1,200 rpm) also leaves a thin bone disk between the Schneiderian membrane and the reamer, and it can be used in misaligned and septum cases. An assortment of stoppers control the drilling depth of the S-reamer from 2 mm to 11 mm, and the stoppers can be mounted on the bone spreader and inserter.

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