DrBicuspid.com Cosmetic Dentistry Insider

Dear Cosmetic Dentistry Insider,

Once viewed primarily as a miracle wrinkle remover in the fight against aging, Botox is increasingly being embraced by U.S. dentists seeking to help younger patients suffering from gummy smiles. Others are giving Botox injections to teens who have debilitating jaw pain, while some orthodontists are using it to keep patients' lower teeth from relapsing after treatment.

While it is unclear how many teens get Botox treatments for dental issues, use of the neurotoxin by dentists is on the rise. Find out why in the latest Cosmetic Dentistry Insider Exclusive.

In clinical news, a new study has found that the use of nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) as a therapy for sleep apnea over a long period of time can lead to facial changes in adults. Click here to read how this finding can affect them. And a Spanish study has found that early treatment of obstructive apnea with nCPAP may speed recovery from ischemic stroke. Read more.

Also, orthodontic radiographs appear to promote cell toxicity in the oral mucosa, according to new research in Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, calling into question once again whether multiple cephalograms are warranted in every orthodontic case. Click here for details.

And Australian researchers have created a screening tool to help clinicians determine whether individuals will be satisfied with their elective cosmetic dentistry surgery procedures. Scores on this screener identify individuals who are likely to be dissatisfied after procedures. Read more.

Meanwhile, a federal judge recently ruled that Merck -- which manufactures the bisphosphonate drug Fosamax -- must pay only $1.5 million rather than the original $8 million awarded to a woman who claimed her use of Fosamax caused her to develop osteonecrosis of the jaw. And a New Jersey jury rejected a similar lawsuit against Novartis, ruling that the company had provided adequate warnings about the risk of its bisphosphonate drugs. Click here and here for details.

Finally, in business news, Royal Philips Electronics has acquired Discus Holdings -- parent company of Discus Dental -- through a merger designed to enhance Philips' health and wellness business and expand Discus' reach in the global teeth-whitening market. Read more.

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