Glidewell debuts patient sizing kit for antisnoring device

Glidewell Laboratories is now offering the aveoTSD (tongue stabilization device) Patient Sizing Kit, designed to enhance in-office patient sizing of the aveoTSD.

The aveoTSD, manufactured by Innovative Health Technologies and designed by Chris Robertson, B.D.S., M.D.S., a dental sleep medicine specialist, is an antisnoring aid that is worn on the tongue during sleep. It works by holding the tongue forward using gentle suction and is unique because it requires no impressions, no adjustments, and no specialist fitting and has no moving parts, according to Glidewell.

The new kit contains one small, one medium, and one large aveoTSD; two Uni-Spacers, sized 4 mm and 7 mm, which can clip on to the aveoTSD for extra titration; and one autoclavable tray.

Clinical case studies have shown that the medium aveoTSD fits 95% of patients. However, for the health professional who wants to ensure an adequate fit from the start, the aveoTSD Patient Sizing Kit allows the dentist or medical physician to try each size device on the patient to check for comfort and fit.

For patients who need extra titration due to a long tongue, the 4- or 7-mm Uni-Spacer can be used to provide a more restful night's sleep. After trying each piece, the items should be placed back into the tray and autoclaved, then the kit can be reused minutes later.

The kit sells for $269.

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