Billing dispute stalls removal of teen's braces

A Chicago teenager had to wait eight months to have his braces removed because the orthodontist refused to take them off until a $300 bill was paid, according to a story in the Chicago Tribune.

Esperanza Perez said she took her three teenagers to orthodontist Frances Cavero, D.D.S., of Windy City Smiles when they needed braces. Dr. Cavero removed the braces from both of her daughters without incident last year.

But when her son, Cesar, went to have his braces removed in December 2009, Dr. Cavero refused to take them off until $300 in charges for missed visits and other work were paid, Perez told the Tribune.

She had paid Dr. Cavero more than $12,000 since 2005, Perez said. She also contended that the cosmetic work that was done should have been included in the payments and her son should not have been charged for missed appointments.

Perez went with her son to Dr. Cavero's office in January to get the braces removed but was told the dentist would not see her until the $300 was paid. Perez then argued with the receptionist, and Dr. Cavero filed a police report claiming Perez was verbally abusive and threw a clipboard at the receptionist, according to the story.

Perez left dozens of messages for Dr. Cavero that were never returned, she said.

She contacted two other orthodontists, but they refused to remove the braces, saying they did not want to assume liability for another dentist's work.

Worried that her son's teeth would be damaged if the braces remained on too long, Perez contacted a consumer advocacy group for help, which contacted Dr. Cavero in August.

Dr. Cavero denied having refused treatment, said Perez's bill was paid in full, and removed the teen's braces, according to the Tribune.

Dr. Cavero was not available for comment.

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