Smile Pink campaign supports breast cancer research

More than 500 dentists from around the U.S. have joined forces in a new initiative aimed at promoting early detection of breast cancer.

Dubbed Smile Pink, the campaign encourages women and men to show their support of early breast cancer testing by adding a pink Swarovski crystal to their smile. The crystal is applied to the tooth with a temporary dental adhesive and takes less than a minute for a dentist to apply. The crystal can be removed with household tweezers.

The Smile Pink campaign was developed by Anthony Vocaturo, D.D.S., from the New Jersey Center for Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry after his family was impacted by the disease.

"Smile Pink is a fresh and innovative campaign that will help spread awareness about the importance of funding lifesaving breast cancer research, while giving patients the opportunity to brighten their smiles," said Lucretia Gilbert, director of development at the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, in a press release.

Smile Pink will contribute 100% of the donations it receives to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. To donate or for more information on how to find a Smile Pink dentist, visit

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