PubMed favored for evidence-based orthodontics

PubMed is a highly desirable search engine for an evidence-based orthodontic practice, according to a new study (Angle Orthodontist, July 2010, Vol. 80:4, pp. 713-718).

Researchers from Tsurumi University tested the performance of PubMed in finding current, high-quality evidence for orthodontic practices in a reasonable time.

They searched PubMed for randomized controlled trials on orthodontic practice using the term "orthodontics" and limiting publication type to "randomized controlled trial," publication date "from 2003/1/1 to 2007/12/31," language "English," and subjects "humans."

The PubMed search results were compared with those from a hand search of four orthodontic journals to determine the sensitivity of PubMed. The authors then evaluated the precision of the PubMed results and assessed the quality of individual randomized controlled trials using the Jadad scale.

Here are some of their findings:

  • Of the 277 articles retrieved in PubMed, 161 (58%) were randomized controlled trials on orthodontic practice, and 115 of the 161 articles (71%) were published in four orthodontic journals.
  • Assessment by the Jadad scale revealed 60 high-quality randomized controlled trials on orthodontic practice, of which 45 (75%) were published in these four journals.

The PubMed search strategy showed nearly 100% sensitivity and 60% precision, which would be useful for evidence-based orthodontic practice, the authors noted.

"To stay current and get high-quality evidence, it is reasonable to look through four orthodontic journals: American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, the Angle Orthodontist, the European Journal of Orthodontics, and the Journal of Orthodontics," they concluded.

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