Botox can improve cleft lip reconstruction results

Use of Botox during cleft lip reconstruction surgery produces better aesthetic outcomes, according to a study to be presented at the upcoming International Association for Dental Research meeting in Barcelona, Spain.

Researchers from Nova Southeastern University collected pictures of five patients who had Botox placed at the time of the surgical cleft lip repair and pictures of five patients who did not from a plastic surgeon's private practice.

Then they conducted a survey of 64 adults using a rating scale questionnaire. Subjects evaluated the appearance of the scar and lip by looking at the deidentified pictures and ranking them from best to worst outcome.

Among the study findings:

  • In regard to the quality of the scar, the photographs with the Botox treatment were ranked toward the best outcome more often than the photographs without Botox treatment.
  • In regard to the quality of the lip repair, there was little difference in the ranking of photographs with and without Botox treatment.

"The use of Botox during the surgical repair improves the aesthetic results of the scar," the study authors concluded.

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