Broken denture results in torture complaint

Dentists have sometimes been accused of torturing their patients, but in the case of a California prisoner, it was the failure to provide dental care that resulted in a torture claim.

Richard I. Fine, a disbarred attorney, has been held in the Los Angeles County jail for over a year after refusing to disclose information about his assets in a dispute over attorney fees, according to a report by Sacramento Bee columnist Dan Walters.

Fine's allies claim the imprisonment is retaliation for his campaign to eliminate the county's practice of paying state judges money in addition to their state salaries.

While in jail, the 70-year-old Fine broke his denture, according to a press release by the Full Disclosure Network. The sheriff's department refused to either repair or replace the denture for eight weeks, the Network said.

As a result, Fine's attorney, Lawrence John II, has filed a torture complaint with the United Nations Human Rights Commission.

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