Study: Malocclusion can negatively affect facial attractiveness

Orthodontic correction of a malocclusion can affect overall facial aesthetics in a positive way, according to a new study (Angle Orthodontist, March 2010, Vol. 80:20, pp. 322-328).

Researchers from the University of Michigan wanted to evaluate the role of the posed smile in overall facial aesthetics, as determined by laypersons and orthodontists. They asked 20 orthodontists and 20 lay evaluators to perform six Q-sorts on different photographs of 48 white female subjects.

The six Q-sorts consisted of three different photographs for each of two time points (pre- and post-treatment): smile-only, face without the smile, and face with the smile.

Among the study findings:

  • Evaluators found the pretreatment face without the smile to be significantly more attractive than the face with the smile or the smile-only photographs.
  • They did not find a significant difference between the three post-treatment photographs.
  • The two panels agreed on the proportion of attractive subjects but differed on the attractiveness level of each individual subject.

"The presence of a malocclusion has a negative impact on facial attractiveness," the authors concluded. "Overall facial harmony is the most important characteristic used in deciding facial attractiveness."

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