DrBicuspid.com Cosmetic Dentistry Insider

Dear Cosmetic Dentistry Insider,

Patients are always demanding the perfect smile, but they often slip when it comes to compliance with recommended treatment, especially orthodontic treatment.

But a study presented at the recent American Association for Dental Research meeting offers a new approach that could improve patient compliance with retainers. Researchers from the University of Kentucky found that initial wear of vacuum-form retainers, followed by a Hawley appliance one to two years into the retention phase, may yield the best results. Read more in our Insider Exclusive.

As a Cosmetic Dentistry Insider, you're getting this report several days ahead of other DrBicuspid.com members. Periodically throughout the year, the Cosmetic Dentistry Insider newsletter will bring you similar exclusive stories, along with all the latest news from the Cosmetics Community.

Also in this issue: Teeth whitening may be a billion-dollar-plus industry, but it is still surrounded by a thicket of confusion when it comes to the plethora of products on the market. There can be pitfalls on the path to aesthetic nirvana, but dental professionals can help patients avoid them -- if armed with the right information. Click here to find out more.

Meanwhile, potential health risks associated with long-term excessive use of zinc-containing denture adhesives has been a hot issue recently. Faced with several class-action lawsuits, GlaxoSmithKline recently pulled its zinc-based denture creams from the market. Read more.

In other Cosmetics news, getting optimum results from a clear aligner system requires a lot of judgment calls, a Massachusetts orthodontist told colleagues at the recent Yankee Dental Congress in Boston. Click here to read his tips on how to achieve the best outcomes.

On the clinical front, find out how long dentists should wait to place adhesive restorations after completing in-office bleaching. Also, did dental products have something to do with the New Orleans Saints' recent Super Bowl triumph? Click here to find out.

And finally, if you missed all the nifty new products launched at the recent Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting, not to worry. We were there to bring you a full update. Advances in teeth whiteners, shade-matching guides, and clear aligners were just some of the products that caught our eye. Click here and here for the inside scoop.

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