Does chewing gum cause wrinkles?

Chewing gum has gained a certain degree of respect among dental professionals, thanks to the introduction of sugar-free and now xylitol-containing brands such as Spry.

However, while no one disputes that these products can freshen breath and, in some cases, enhance oral hygiene, some cosmetic surgeons believe chewing gum can also cause wrinkles, according to a story on

"Many of my patients who are gum chewers have a certain pattern of wrinkles around their mouth," said Joel Schlessinger, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon from Omaha, NE, in the story.

What's the link? While no studies have been done showing a correlation between chewing gum and wrinkles, experts say the repetitive motion of chewing causes lines and folds around the mouth due to "muscle overuse."

In addition, chewing gum can "dislodge" dermal fillers that people inject into their faces to remove wrinkles, according to the story.

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