Dentist claims bleaching innovations

Evolve Dental Technologies is marketing a new version of the "deep bleaching" technique developed by Rod Kurthy, D.D.S., a dentist in Mission Viejo, CA.

The system differs from competing products because of its tighter-fitting trays, more effective desensitizers, refrigeration and improved bleach formula, according to Dr. Kurthy.

The close-fitting bleaching trays in the KöR Whitening Deep Bleaching System prevent leakage, Dr. Kurthy said when presenting his system at the Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting. "Typical bleaching trays don't seal the bleach in very well, and they don't seal the saliva out very well."

A tighter seal allows the bleach to work longer -- more than six hours versus only half an hour for conventional trays, he said, adding that his trays do a better job getting bleach near the gum line.

The tighter fit is possible, because the KöR technique creates a more accurate impression of the gingival crevice, Dr. Kurthy said. Conventional impressions are not designed to capture this part of the anatomy, so they are tapered, he said.

Dr. Kurthy is also selling a combination of desensitizers. A chairside desensitizer, Hi White, uses oxalate crystals to plug dentin tubules, he said, adding that this formula also makes the enamel more oxygen permeable, enhancing the bleaching process.

A second desensitizer, used both in-office and daily at home, also plugs tubules, this time using hydroxyethyl methacrylate to bind with proteins and precipitate calcium fluoride within tubules, according to Dr. Kurthy.

The bleach formulas are also more effective because they are refrigerated, Dr. Kurthy said. Refrigeration allows the company to avoid using stabilizers that could cause more sensitivity. "By refrigerating, we're able to get them more aqueous and with a neutral pH," he said. "The gels are more free to get into the tooth."

Because of these innovations, the system works better against tough stains, he said, showing before and after images of teeth with stains removed. "The KöR whitening system is the only system that can do this to a tetracycline stain and have it last permanently."

Dr. Kurthy said he had tested his system but did not have any data he could release to the public. Competitors and academics approached by said they were not familiar enough with the system to comment on it.

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