New Crest Whitestrips challenge office-based whitening

Procter & Gamble is betting consumers will pay $45 during a deep recession for an improved way to whiten their teeth at home: Crest Whitestrips Advanced Seal, according to a story on

Procter & Gamble is promoting the fact that Advanced Seal's four-layer design enables the strips to mold and adhere to teeth even when the user is drinking, talking, or kissing.

As part of its marketing efforts, Procter & Gamble is planning some online make-out sessions and launching a 3D Web site, The site is scheduled to launch January 30, and visitors will be able to select mild or steamy kisses to watch. The surprise ending is that the kissing couple is wearing Advanced Seal Whitestrips, according to

"We're making the claim that this product whitens comparably to products you find at the dentist," Sunny Jain, associate marketing director for Crest whitening, told

Procter & Gamble is trying to make a point about efficacy, not take business away from dentists, who've been "crucial to building the Crest brand for generations," he added.

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