Texas woman says denture cream caused neuropathy

A Texas woman has filed a lawsuit against GlaxoSmithKline alleging that the company knew about the health risks associated with high levels of zinc in their denture cream and did nothing about it, according to a news story in the Boston Herald.

Elizabeth Gilley of Mineral Wells, TX, claims she developed neuropathy after using the cream, the story states.

Even though millions of American use adhesives with their dentures without any problems, some say that they have developed severe neurological problems by ingesting dangerously high levels of zinc.

Gilley's lawsuit, filed in Philadelphia, is one of many that have been filed in the U.S. Just in Pennsylvania, about 20 other claimants have also filed suits in mass tort court, according to the Boston Herald.

Gilley started wearing dentures at the age of 15 after a genetic disorder damaged the enamel on her teeth. She used the cream as often as every two hours to keep the dentures in her mouth, the story states.

Both GlaxoSmithKline, the maker of PoliGrip and Super PoliGrip, and Procter & Gamble, the maker of Fixodent, have said that their products contain zinc at levels recognized as safe.

However, GlaxoSmithKline's label now warns about reports of serious health effects from increased zinc intake over a long period, but notes that small amounts are not harmful and asks consumers to not apply the product more than once a day, the story concludes.

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