New program aims to assist female denture wearers

Procter & Gamble's Fixodent has launched a online network targeted at female denture wearers to give them a team of experts to confide in and boost their self-confidence. The Fixodent Circle of Confidence provides new denture wearers expert tips and answers to a variety of questions, such as "How will dentures affect the way I eat?" and "What beauty products will help me best accentuate my new smile?"

Fixodent recently surveyed women ages 40 and older to find out how women with dentures feel about themselves compared to women without dentures. The survey found that denture wearers place more importance on their smile than the average woman over 40. They believe this is the first thing others notice about them, and the idea of getting dentures was a source of anxiety for most wearers.

To help ease this anxiety, Fixodent has joined forces with prosthodontics expert Lawrence Brecht, D.D.S.; lifestyle/nutrition expert Elizabeth Somer; and beauty expert Lois Joy Johnson, explained a company press release.

Findings from the Fixodent survey strongly suggested that many denture wearers might get a confidence boost from tips and tools on dental care, beauty and overall health, concluded the press release.

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