Smile Design Insider: What may be the best tool for designing smiles?

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Dear Smile Design Insider,

Recurring esthetic dental proportions (RED) -- not golden proportions (GPR) -- may be the best analysis tool to design restorations involving the maxillary anterior area. The study was published earlier this month in the Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry. Read more in our Insider Exclusive.

In other news, Canadian Francis Wharton, also known as “The Backwoods Wizard,” lived off the land, did what he had to do to survive, and seemed to know the value of never letting anything go to waste. Wharton hunted a deer and used the animal’s teeth to make himself dentures so that he could eat the venison.

Which U.S. state is the least concerned about dental health? Vermont holds that top spot, but find out which other states follow closely behind.

This isn’t anything to smile about: More than half of adults reported feeling as insecure today about their smiles as they did when they were teenagers, according to results from a recent poll.

Finally, when it comes to replacing anterior teeth, implant-supported single crowns may fare better than resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses, according to a study  published in Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. The failure and complication rates were higher in patients with resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses.

Melissa Busch
Associate Editor

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