Remedent debuts GlamStrip for GlamSmile veneers

Remedent has introduced GlamStrip, a proprietary, patent-pending device for the placement of its GlamSmile dental veneers.

GlamStrip is an evolutionary alternative to the company's original tray technology by allowing for easier and more accurate placement of less than a full set of dental veneers, according to Remedent. The original tray is marketed worldwide by Remedent and its major distributors and marketing partners, including GlamSmile Australia and GlamSmile China. In the U.S., Den-Mat Holdings markets the tray under the LumiTray brand.

The ultrathin GlamStrip virtually eliminates all placement guesswork and ensures the highest quality placement in one motion, according to the company. The strip can be used to place as few as two veneers at a time, expanding the usefulness and potential application of GlamSmile, Remedent noted.

Remedent and Den-Mat have revised their distribution agreement to provide Den-Mat with an option to manufacture and distribute GlamStip and make it available to more than 10,000 U.S. dentists in Den-Mat's network. Upon exercise of its option, Den-Mat will commit to certain minimum purchase requirements of GlamSmile veneer-loaded LumiTrays or GlamStrips annually with combined volume and pricing requirements similar to their previous agreement with Remedent. (The brand name Den-Mat will use for the strip in the U.S. has yet to be determined.)

"About 60% of dentists currently offer veneers, and we believe the advantages of this new device will expand the market for this procedure," said Remedent CEO Guy De Vreese in a press release. "In this current economy, consumers are looking to less expensive alternatives, while dentists want to attract more business and improve their bottom line. Dentists also appreciate new technologies that make their jobs easier. GlamStrip promises all this and more."

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