Hawaii girl not expected to recover; parents file lawsuit

The mother of a 3-year-old Hawaii girl who slipped into a coma after being sedated during a dental visit does not expect a recovery, according to an article at KHON2.com.

Ashley Boyle, the girl's mother, and her attorney, Rick Fried, made the announcement during a press conference at a Kailua hospice where the girl is staying. Boyle explained that her daughter, Finley may pass within 24 hours and that they were trying to keep her comfortable.

Boyle and her husband have filed a lawsuit against Lilly Geyer, DMD; Island Dentistry for Children; and unidentified staff members, alleging that Finley was not monitored during a visit on December 3 to have four root canals performed at Dr. Geyer's practice.

According to Fried, records show that Finely's oxygen levels weren't monitored for 26 minutes, instead of every five minutes, after she was administered Demerol, hydroxyzine, chloral hydrate, and nitrous oxide by a technician. The insufficient monitoring allegedly led to Finley's severe brain damage, the article added. The girl's father said an MRI showed that the girl suffered a lack of oxygen for at least five minutes.

Boyle also said that nobody in the office administered CPR when the girl went into cardiac arrest and that a doctor from another office had to be brought in.

Dr. Geyer's office has 20 days to respond to the lawsuit.

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