UW announces dentistry sculpture winners

The University of Washington (UW) School of Dentistry has announced the winners of its annual sculpture contest, according to an article on the university's website.

Blake Davis, DDS, won with a design of a fisherman with a catch on his hook, while Soleil Roberts, DDS, was voted the runner-up with a wire depiction of an Egyptian queen.

The whimsical contest has been run by the department of orthodontics for first-year residents since 1966. Contestants must use orthodontic materials such as rubber bands, wire, and dental acrylic to craft their entries. The contest was started by Ben Moffett, DDS, professor emeritus of orthodontics, who took a form and function art class in the 1960s and found the materials to be quite useful. He later hosted weekly lectures on the topic at the school, the article noted.

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