AAPD welcomes new president

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) inducted Joel Berg, DDS, as its newest president during its 65th Annual Session in San Diego on May 27.

Currently, Dr. Berg is dean designate at the University of Washington School of Dentistry and chair of the department of pediatric dentistry. He is also the director of dentistry at Seattle Children's Hospital. Dr. Berg's AAPD presidential agenda will focus on talent pool development and international collaborations, according to the organization.

In addition to Dr. Berg, Warren Brill, DMD, a clinical associate professor of pediatric dentistry at the University of Maryland, was named president-elect; Edward Moody Jr., DDS, was named vice president; Robert Delarosa, DDS, as secretary-treasurer; and Jessica Y. Lee, DDS, PhD, as parliamentarian.

Rhea Haugseth, DMD, is the AAPD's immediate past president.

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