Univ. of Minn. to open pediatric dental clinic

The new University of Minnesota Pediatric Dental Clinic will officially open its doors on April 3, according to a story in the Minnesota Daily.

The clinic, designed to cater to the needs of patients from birth to age 19, is home to the university's advanced education program in pediatric dentistry, where already-licensed dentists will train to become pediatric dentists. Residents usually take an additional two years of education to specialize in the field, according to the Daily.

The clinic contains 14 operatories, with six designed specifically for children with special needs.

The Delta Dental Foundation of Minnesota donated $3.5 million to remodel a women's clinic at the school and purchase new equipment, including digital x-rays, a consulting room with a microphone and projection screen, and cameras so the residents can watch and review their own and each other's work, the Daily story noted.

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