Pharmacy mistakes cancer meds for fluoride pills

A CVS pharmacy in New Jersey is being investigated by the state attorney general's office after mistakenly distributing breast cancer medication instead of prescribed fluoride pills to kids in as many as 50 families.

The pharmacy, located in Chatham, acknowledged dispensing Tamoxifen instead of chewable fluoride tablets between December 1 and February 20, according to an Associated Press story. Company investigators are working to determine how and why the errors occurred.

CVS officials say only a few children ingested the pills, and drug experts told AP that Tamoxifen is not likely to cause any serious or adverse effects when used for short periods of time.

CVS officials said they have contacted every family whose child was given a 0.5 mg fluoride prescription from its Chatham location within the past 60 days. No injuries related to the mix-up have been reported.

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