Delta Dental dispenses lunchtime lessons

With the school year about to start up again, Delta Dental is reminding parents to take care when packing a child's school lunch.

A little mealtime forethought can go a long way toward maintaining a child's oral health and educational performance, the company noted.

Sugary treats such as cookies, candy, and fruit snacks mix with bacteria in dental plaque, which can wear away enamel and cause tooth decay.

"Sweets in general contain too many calories from fats and sugars and very few beneficial nutrients," said William Kohn, MD, Delta Dental's vice president of dental science and public policy. "Limiting sugar intake will not only be good for children's teeth, but for their overall health."

Instead, Delta Dental recommends healthy snacks such as fresh fruit and veggies, baked chips, or whole-grain crackers. Snacks like cookies are acceptable only in moderation.

"At the end of a year, simple substitutions at snack time like water instead of a sugary drink, or an apple and carrots instead of a candy bar, will add up to a lot of saved calories and a much healthier diet," Dr. Kohn said.

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